Solidarity through a Built Medium: A Case of the Romanian National Architectural Style in Transylvania

Smaranda SPÂNU
Solidarity through a Built Medium: A Case of the Romanian National Architectural Style in Transylvania
Centre for Regional Geography, Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj
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The concept of nation that defined the 19th century outlined the socio-political context from which several national architectural styles emerged. By the end of the century the first group of Romanian architects trained in eclectic foreign schools returned and proclaimed the need for a national style illustrating the national spirit. In both Wallachia and Moldavia the architectural movement developed rapidly. As a region of Austro-Hungarian Empire until 1918, Transylvania had a different evolution: here the style manifested late, yet with an explicitly expressed goal – showcasing the solidarity of a united Romanian nation, by displaying their collective identity.The case study of this paper is the Mureşanu District in Cluj-Napoca – part of a program of asserting the national identity and solidarity. What is the reasoning in choosing a residential program and such a material manifestation in shaping national identity? What is the evolution and future of these still compact heterotopic enclaves? Originating from the interpretation of heritage, what is the optimal approach towards these spaces?

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