The Princess Turned Prince. Transsexual Metamorphosis in the “Ileana Sâmziana” Fairy Tale

Krisztina Bianka KOCSIS
The Princess Turned Prince. Transsexual Metamorphosis in the “Ileana Sâmziana” Fairy Tale
Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
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Seeing that the majority of folk tales feature a male protagonist, the “Ileana Sâmziana” fairy tale, collected by Petre Ispirescu, represents a deviation from this heroic archetype by focusing on the emperor’s daughter, who would become Prince Charming. Circumscribed to the ATU 514 folk motif, i.e., change of sex, it depicts gender fluidity reminiscent of cross-dressing in pubertal rites of passage. Based on these premises, the present paper closely analyses the process of transsexual metamorphosis of the main character. Ultimately, it is aimed to expose any resemblance to traditional formative discourses on masculine social values and determine whether the emperor’s daughter should be regarded as a true feminine and /or a heroic figure.

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