Media in Teenagers' Daily Life. Particularities of Young Persons' Media Use in German Language High Schools in Transylvania

Delia Cristina BALABAN, Ioana IANCU, Mihai DEAC
Media in Teenagers' Daily Life. Particularities of Young Persons' Media Use in German Language High Schools in Transylvania
Department of Communication and Public Relations, Faculty for Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj
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The history of the German minority in Romania is older than eight centuries. Although in the last two decades the number of Romanian citizens of German nationality living in Romania has decreased dramatically due to migration, the cultural heritage of this population can still be observed in large parts of Transylvania. The schools and high schools in German language that still function today are certainly part of this heritage. The aim of this research is to analyze both the media use of high school pupils in general and the role of German language in their media use in particular.

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