Faith and Authenticity - The Roots of Being and Time in Heidegger's 1920-21's Phenomenology of Religion Course with Special Respect to the Dasein's Eigentlich-Sein-Können

Faith and Authenticity - The Roots of Being and Time in Heidegger's 1920-21's Phenomenology of Religion Course with Special Respect to the Dasein's Eigentlich-Sein-Können
Sapientia, College of Theology of Religious Orders, Budapest
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This paper intends to connect to researches about Heidegger’s theological roots and to show how Heidegger’s religion-phenomenological investigations were built in the Being and Time. In the middle of my study is the concept of timefulness; the way in which early Christians lived timefulness; their attitudes to present and future gave the main connection between faith and authenticity, between the early Christians’ life-experience and the characteristics of authentic Dasein. My paper proposes to show that although these connections and parallels remain unexpressed in Heidegger but fundamentally determinate the content of such concepts as authentic-possibility-for-being, resoluteness, being-towards-death, thrownness or disclosedness.

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