Considerations Regarding Sales at “Cochii Vechi” and “Mezat”

Considerations Regarding Sales at “Cochii Vechi” and “Mezat”
Alexander Ioan Cuza University, Iaşi
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Selling at Cochii vechi was used for granting some princely incomes on lease, and mezat (auction) for transferring unmoveable goods. The procedure was coordinated by the Princely Council, simultaneous verbal advertisements were made in the locality where the goods put up for sale were to be found, to the sub-prefects, and in the Council. When selling at mezat the priority right was respected. In order to maintain the control over the circulation of lands and buildings and to avoid illegal alienations, the Sobornicescul hrisov of the year 1785 introduced a stage of preliminary verification of this right, the so called “advertisement”. The transaction was concluded in the Princely Council, by hareci, that is the auction itself and the awarding of the goods with the parties’ consent, after which the Prince confirmed the new proprietor’s ownership.

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