Emergence, Synchronization and Synchronicity. Re-approaching the Concept of Complex System from a Critical Philosophical Perspective

Emergence, Synchronization and Synchronicity. Re-approaching the Concept of Complex System from a Critical Philosophical Perspective
University of Bucharest
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The present study aims at re-approaching, in a critical manner, three interrelated terms differently (and independently) used or conceptualized in mono- and multi-disciplinary research today, in natural sciences and humanities: ‘emergence’, ‘synchronization’, ‘synchronicity’. The comparative perspective meant to bring different contextual meanings and usages together will shed a ‘renewed’ light upon the general significance of the concept of ‘complex system’, by re-evaluating the contribution that fields like philosophy or religious studies might add in order to nuance and re-define the various understandings of the formula when used in different frameworks. The bringing together of the three terms within the framework opened by different visions and understandings of the time-space continuum highlights, in a critical manner, important aspects and features to be taken into consideration for clarifying the significance of the three concepts in their interconnectedness, for re-evaluating the conventional existing definitions, and conceptualizations of ‘complex systems’, for configuring more complex research methodologies, and fostering a renewed concept of ‘scientificity’, enriched and reshaped through dimensions which are essential for its application within the area of Humanities. [*]

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[*] The present work is supported by the research grant PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0348.