Volume II (1997), no. 2




Monica GHEŢ
Faculty of Letters, "Babeş-Bolyai" University, Cluj

When we speak about totalitarian systems we implicitly refer to the subordination of culture and the use of arts for propagandistic aims. Romania which lacked a real urban civilisation was also exposed to political and ideological aggression.

The study analyses the "game" of subordination, submission and resitance in different spheres of cultural life, such as: the press, (daily newspapers and cultural periodicals), book-publishing and even language. Different types of resistance and counterstrokes are presented which led to retaliations (removing the 'guilty' from culture, imprisonment or exile).

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Voichiţa SASU
Faculty of Letters, "Babeş-Bolyai" University, Cluj

Ubi sunt, a widespread theme in addressing the greatness of former times can already be found in sacred books. Acknowledging the irrecoverable disappearance of the golden age, the whole ancient and neo-testamentary meditation on vanity developed a specific attitude towards time and its effect on man.

The study analyses the process of literarisation of this theme in medieval French literature (in the works of Eustache Deschamps, Jehan Regnier, François Villon and Eustache Marcadé.) Later on the theme entered Romanian literature with interesting variants, through the works of Neagoe Basarab, Dimitrie Cantemir, Miron Costin and 19th century poets. Mingled with romantic motives the ubi sunt theme can be found in 20th century Romanian literature, especially poetry.

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Department of Philosophy, "Babeş-Bolyai" University, Cluj

The aim of this study is to point out certain elements required for the configuration of a metaphysics which wishes to be a synthesis of modern and postmodern ideas. This metaphysics should commence from the identification of an irrational "principle" lodged in the substructure of human subjectivity. This principle is tantamount to an affective disposition; not an affective disposition in general but one of its specific forms, namely, the feeling of sadness. However, metaphysics cannot confine itself to the mere identification of a particularising "origin". It must transform the irrational feeling acknowledged as a starting point into a philosophical concept by means of reflection and logical-linguistic analysis and must open subjectivity towards the benevolent comprehension of all other subjectivities which are inheernt in the community.

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Editor, Didactic and Pedagogical Publishing House

The essay expresses the necessity of recovering lucidity regarding the subject of death. The communist interdiction of this theme (it was considered too pessimistic) was interwoven with our habit to hide more than was necessary.

The author proposes therefore an uninhibited reading of the origins of Romanian literature; she claims that the great themes (love, life, failure) are in fact the expression of one and the same eternal theme, which nevertheless eludes direct experience that can be communicated. This is death.

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Department of History, "Babeş-Bolyai" University, Cluj

The study analyses religious sentiment in 18th century traditional Romanian communities, based on unconventional sources, namely, the marginal notes of religious books. These notes convey a religious experience and sensibility elicited by church books considered devotional objects like icons and other objects in religious practice. Books donated to the church instilled a note of sacralisation in religious people's mentality.

The act of donating a book was regarded as a gesture of redemption, a service offered to God. People donated books so that their sins or their families's sins would be pardoned. These donations were also linked to the act of putting a curse on those who endanger nuncupation by theft or destruction.

Therefore donated religious books were in a state of "stateliness" in the view of Christian communities. This led to various forms of religious experience within the collective and individual psychology in the world of the 18th century.

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Department of Philosophy, "Babeş-Bolyai" University, Cluj

On account of the core of religious experience (which is the medium of human relaisation, a being destined to the meeting of God) dogma is no longer important as a source of knowledge but as a fundamental structure of the valorisation of existence.

Therefore the harmonising of the dogmatic horizon with the subject which leads to communion realised as an integral Being in the field of this horizon becomes the fundamental principle of freedom.
 In the Christianity theorised by Father Dumitru Staniloae the individual is realised as a Being of dialogism and freedom only to the extent in which he is able to go beyond the tempation of non-dogmatism, the profanisation of the world and the lack of significance of existence in liturgic terms.

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Department of Philosophy, "Babeş-Bolyai" University, Cluj

The appearance of a manuscript published as The Oldest System-Program of the German Idealism aroused the interest of philosophers at the beginning of this century. Otto Pöggeler attributes it to Hegel and tries to prove in his article Hegel, the Author of the Oldest System-Program of the German Idealism that it integrates into Hegel's early works.

Commencing with Pöggeler's article we will present the sense of Hegelian meditation at that period, the influence of the main ideas of the epoch and the evolution of some of these ideas.

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Florina ILIS
Researcher, "Lucian Blaga" Central University Library

The present study does not aim at demonstrating the postmodernity of Umberto Eco’s novel, The Name of the Rose, a characteristic which has already been acknowledged by the author himself and proved afterwards by literary criticism. Rather it shows how postmodernism as an alternative to the modern paradigm recovers fabulation under new auspices. The pleasure of story-telling implies the pleasure of reading which eloquently contributes to the multiplication of the visions of reality proper and and the reality of the text.

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Editor, "Steaua" Cultural Magazine, Cluj

Most of the Romanian prison memoirs concerning the autochtonous Gulag have wished to be partial or total analyses of power and totalitarianism. Regarding the Romanian Gulag, Romanian readers have had to accept and understand an ethical-historical delay which had political reasons. In 1990 they suddenly passed from a hypocritical literature to that of the almost unbearable infernal truth and therefore they are tempted to adopt the monotony of fear and to get used to the real horrors.

The study starts with the clearing up of basic concepts of the literature and history of the Romanian Gulag. Five Romanian prisons are presented along with the atmosphere avoked by the whole prison literature.

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Meda Diana BÂRCĂ
Researcher, Special Collections, "Lucian Blaga" Central University Library
Researcher, Special Collections, "Lucian Blaga" University Library


Researcher, Historical Institute of the Romanian Academy

Commencing from a rich bibliographic and documentary basis which is far from being completely exhaustes yet and whicj contains more information about initila stages and the epriod between the wars, our aim is to draw a portrait of the "Lucian Blaga" Central University Library. The closer it is viewed, the more difficult it is to sketch; such is a human portrait.

This study attempts to "span" in a few pages more than a hundred years of history of the Central University Library Cluj, from its foundation linked to the foundation of the University (1872) to other important events: the Union of Transylvania with Romania (1918), World War II and the Library taking refuge in Sibiu, the Library moving back to Cluj and all that followed after 1947.

The evolution of the Library is also displayed by the succinct presentation of its collections of books, engravings, maps, manuscripts, art albums, etc.

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Librarian, "Lucian Blaga" Central University Library

The participation of Romanian university libraries in TEMPUS programmes organised and financed by the Commision of the European Union has given an impetus  to their development. Gaining new technology and new professional experience led to the development of libraries and the profession of librarianship. The conclusion is that we must become competitive institutions, offer competitive services in order to enter the international circuits for exchange of information. Libraries must serve their users, therefore every activity has to be subordinated to satisfying users’ neds of documentation. Libraries acnnot develop in isolation; communication on all levels is a value that supports the evolution of the profession, creates an adequate and pleasant atmosphere of work, modifies mentalities and behaviours. The need and the wish for professional training has appeared and goes hand in hand with the development of the institution.

Such programs of cooperation are frameworks for professional and personal relations as well as spiritual enrichment.

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Luminita TOMUŢA
Labolatory of Informatics, "Lucian Blaga" Central University Library

The "Lucian Blaga" Central University Library  is the greatest university library in Romania. It consists of a central library with 15 services and 23 branches.

An enthusiastic group of librariand founded the Laboratory of informatics in 1992. They tried to convince the management and the library staff of the efficiency of computerised activity. Their aim was to implement an integrated library system that could be adapted to the conditions of the library, its traditional, branching system of organisation. The options concerning the direct adaptability of programmes as well as the software modification of the "inherited" system of organisation were limited. The Library Budget and the support offered by Tempus Programmes and the Soros Foundation for an Open Society were the main financial sources.

The Central University Library was connected to the Internet in 1996, through the Technical University of Cluj. This is very important since we are the only library in the country that has access to the Custom Dialog databases.

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International Exchange Department, "Lucian Blaga" Central University Library, Cluj

