The Aporia of Sadness

The Aporia of Sadness
Department of Philosophy, "Babeş-Bolyai" University, Cluj

The aim of this study is to point out certain elements required for the configuration of a metaphysics which wishes to be a synthesis of modern and postmodern ideas. This metaphysics should commence from the identification of an irrational "principle" lodged in the substructure of human subjectivity. This principle is tantamount to an affective disposition; not an affective disposition in general but one of its specific forms, namely, the feeling of sadness. However, metaphysics cannot confine itself to the mere identification of a particularising "origin". It must transform the irrational feeling acknowledged as a starting point into a philosophical concept by means of reflection and logical-linguistic analysis and must open subjectivity towards the benevolent comprehension of all other subjectivities which are inheernt in the community.

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