Zeit, Geschichte und Legitimität bei den siebenbürgischen Antitrinitariern

Zeit, Geschichte und Legitimität bei den siebenbürgischen Antitrinitariern
Faculty of European Studies, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj
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Time, History and Legitimacy in Transylvanian Antitrinitarianism The following paper deals with the role of time and history in the attempts of two Antitrinitarian theologians, György Enyedi and Valentin Radecius, to legitimize their doctrinal options, in the case of Enyedi, and to integrate liturgical traditions from other confessions, in the case of Radecius. While Enyedi dismisses the use of historical arguments in theology, by saying that age can not guarantee for validity, Radecius on the contrary, refers to historical traditions in order to use and alter the texts according to the principles of Antitrinitarian theology.

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