Venezia nei cronògrafi romeni dei Secoli XVII-mo e XVIII- mo

Dan Horia MAZILU
Venezia nei cronògrafi romeni dei Secoli XVII-mo e XVIII- mo
Correspondent member of the Romanian Academy

Beginning with the first half of the 17th century, the Greek printing office of Venice began to publish a large number of historical works. In Eastern Europe historiographical popular works in prose and verse such as chronicles had a great popularity. The writing known as the 1570 Chronicle, considered anonymous, though attempts have been made to attribute it to Malaxos or Damaschi Studitoul, served as a basis for Vivlion istoricon attributed to Dorothei, the Metropolitan of Monembasia, a popular chronicle printed in Venice in Ioan Antonie Iulian’s printing office in 1631. The two popular Greek chronicles were translated in Romanian sometimes at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. The study comments on the different opinions related to the similarities and differences between ms. 3556 and 3450, two translations or copies of the above mentioned popular chronicles in the BAR collection.

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