Towards a Relational Axiology

Towards a Relational Axiology
"Babeş-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca, Department of Philosophy

The author proposes a new - connective or relational - model of understanding axiology. Axiology can be formed in an authentic manner if it accepts to have permanent reference to the world of man and  his experience. Then it has to take into account other branches of philosophy: ontology, gnoseology, the philosophy of language, the philosophy of conscience etc. Axiological research proper must start from the evaluative utterances; these and not the isolated words represent the basic units of all axiological thought. However, these utterances themselves have a relational nature as they combine descriptive and prescriptive aspects. The "axiological predicate" has the same structure: it is formed as an "ontological-evaluative symbol" in every value-judgement.

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