“That Romanian Work Ethic:” A Cultural and Social Analysis of the History of Work in Romania

Stefan-Sebastian MAFTEI
“That Romanian Work Ethic:” A Cultural and Social Analysis of the History of Work in Romania
Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
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It is a well-known fact today that work, as an economical, rational, social, and political attitude survives by being supported by its own ideology. Our study will try to find some answers to some questions addressed by different authors: What is there so peculiar to Romanians and their way of life that makes them so conspicuous in their “work ethics?” What are the potential causes behind their peculiar mindset towards work? And, finally, is there a link between facts and words, or is their alleged “work ethics” a mere rumor, hearsay? Is there a gap between the representation of work and work itself in Romanian society?

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