Nostalgia – from Disease to Metaphysical Feeling

Horia-Vicenţiu PĂTRAŞCU
Nostalgia – from Disease to Metaphysical Feeling
Departamentul de Filosofie şi Ştiinţe Social-Politice, Universitatea Al. I. Cuza, Iaşi
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The purpose of this article is to follow two perspectives on nostalgia: the medical perspective and the metaphysical one. While the former considers nostalgia a disease, the latter assumes it is a true metaphysical feeling that defines the human condition in itself. The histories of the two approaches are not separate; on the contrary, they are inextricably linked. They, in fact, throw some light on ourselves, on the modality in which we receive or reject, accept or repudiate those unusual emotions, “intimately-strange” that we experience as profoundly ours and simultaneously as coming from somewhere else.

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