Man-Made Values in an Inhuman Cosmos

Man-Made Values in an Inhuman Cosmos
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of Philosophy
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After the emergence of natural sciences in the age of Romanticism, a new approach of nature has appeared due to the historical view of the objects of natural philosophy. Mineralogy was paradigmatic; it made culturally valuable, historical objects, exhibited in Museums, from the objects of dead, culturally neutral nature, which was evaluated before as an unhistorical world. In works of Kant, Herder, Schelling and others was established the topic of the early history of Earth as a preface of the history of the humanity. My paper outlines the consequences of the idea of humanised and historicised dead nature. [*]

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[*] This text is based on my lectures at the conferences entitled 13th Lošinj Days of Bioethics, 18th–21st May 2014, Mali Lošinj, Croatia; Man-Made World, 21st–24th September 2014, Cres, Croatia, both of them organised by the Croatian Philosophical Society. My researches on the topics of these lectures were supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund.