Hydrocarbon Production Policies in the Area of the Suplacu de Barcău Commercial Deposit

Rodica CIURTE, Dacinia Crina PETRESCU
Hydrocarbon Production Policies in the Area of the Suplacu de Barcău Commercial Deposit
Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj; Faculty of Business, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj
Author's email: 
ciurterodica@zalausj.ro; crina.petrescu@tbs.ubbcluj.ro

The present paper analyzes the Romanian oil production policies applied to the Suplacu de Barcău Pannonian commercial hydrocarbon deposit with reference to existing EU legislation.

Oil production and processing have a long tardition in Romania and they have had consistent and set legal stadards. The integration of environmental policies into the hydrocarbon production policies was realized especially after the issuing of the Environmental Protection Law 137/1995.

The actual legislation regarding the oil production conditions in Romania respect in general the requirements of the EU law formulated in Directive No. 94/22/EC regarding the conditions in which authorization is granted to prospect, explore and extract hydrocarbons.

The objective of the exploration and production policy is to intensify geological research in order to discover new deposits and to improve production methods in order to increase the recovery factor to maintain the internal production at the actual level. The integration of environmental policies into the oil production and processing activity is also to be continued.

The main operator of the Romanian oil production market is SC Petrom SA whose strategy is aimed at the stabilization of crude oil and gas production in Romania, the reduction of production costs and the increase of the reserve replacement rate to 70%, as well as the implementation of environmental requirements in the oil production activities.

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