The Crisis of Communication. From Blockage to Excess – Interpretations of the Word-Sign – Case Study: Semiotic Fiction in Foucault’s Pendulum by Umberto Eco

The Crisis of Communication. From Blockage to Excess – Interpretations of the Word-Sign – Case Study: Semiotic Fiction in Foucault’s Pendulum by Umberto Eco
University of Oradea
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Within semiotic analysis the role of the reader is of utmost relevance because the very existence of symbols, the idea of significance is intrinsic to the process of perception, and that leads to the concept of the reader’s participation in the act of creation. With all the threat of getting lost in significances while trying to solve or even find and deepen mysteries, enchanted by the feeling of discovering some very important secrets, literature will no longer be plausible, unless it resorts to this science of words and significations. The idea can be best referred to by using examples provided by the literary work Foucault’s Pendulum belonging to the father of semiotics, Umberto Eco, which the current study undertook to accomplish.

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