The Chances of an “Open” Metaphysics. A Dialogue with Jan Patočka

Cecília LIPPAI
The Chances of an “Open” Metaphysics. A Dialogue with Jan Patočka
“Babeş-Bolyai” University, Department of Philosophy Cluj-Napoca
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The main issue of the paper is the question of the contemporaneous chances of metaphysics. This question arises through a special analysis of Ian Patocka’s ideas, which by validating the principle of opennes delineates the possibility of a new metaphysics, the essential feature of which is the openness that does not allow any kind of dogmatic finality, or any kind of final answers, conclusions. On the contrary, its main principle is to continuously maintain the state of quest and questioning. Open metaphysics does not inspire to transcend being, but it attempts to question beyond the actual, to take on that authentic openness that in fact could mean the validation of man’s freedom. That is the freedom of the endless questions through which man would always aspire beyond his boundaries. This interpretation of Patocka’s philosophy also elucidates the fact that open metaphysics represents that productive mental environment from which the Czech philosopher’s subjective phenomenology and ontology of movement spring. Moreover, beyond its theoretical significance it leads from the openness of existence through the openness of spirit to the openness of life itself, – to such a practical philosophy that is the foundation of responsible actions as well as of a rich, versatile and active life.

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