Censorship and the Fissured Time

István KIRÁLY V.
Censorship and the Fissured Time
Department of Philosophy, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca
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Censorship in the countries of the ex-communist bloc had a distinctive feature which separated it from censoring practices of primarily Western liberal democratic cultures. This distinctive feature is the fact that in these cultures and countries the subject and public analysis of censorship was itself censored. In this situation, the people of this region have particular reasons to approach the problem of censorship as one of high actuality. This is what this article attempts to do, by a careful and sharp situation analysis, reviewing the latest books on the topic of censorship published in Romania, and with repeated reference and connecting to Adrian Marino’s work, Cenzura în România. Schiţă istorică introductivă (Censorship in Romania: An Introductory Historical Outline), 2000.

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