Testimony over Time.The Fascist Rebellion in Bucharest in Words and Pictures (January 21–23, 1941)

Testimony over Time.The Fascist Rebellion in Bucharest in Words and Pictures (January 21–23, 1941)
Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences
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If until the outbreak of World War II the anti-Semitic manifestations were generally limited to verbal abuse and in isolated acts of physical violence, the alliance with Nazi Germany created the framework for the implementation of the anti-Semitic policies. The pogroms in Romania described in various books were also immortalized in photos. The photographs taken by the Jewish community reveal a vivid picture of the atrocities committed. This study aims to present the human losses, the moral and physical trauma, and also Jews’ property devastation during the fascist rebellion in Bucharest reflected in the scientific works and in photos.

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